Krishiinet has a refund policy of waiver for the day when the Internet is not working under the following conditions:
Any complaint is not responded for up to 48 working hours once the complaint is made only on the support number (7010805032). Working hours refers to our working timings - Monday to Saturday - 10 AM - 08 PM.
After 48 working hours, the refund shall be made for the number of days the Connectivity has not worked on pro-rata basis.
Krishiinet does not collect any deposits.
All our plans are pre-paid and monthly in advance.
In event of a disconnection in middle of the month, we do not recalculate the same on basis of pro - rata basis.
Please note that we do not have any refund or cancellation policy in place. All the packages we offer are pre-paid and payments are made in advance. We do not have any holding policy for the services for interim periods. As long as you have our converters installed at your premises, the customer is obligated to make payment for the same.
However, if there are any technical reasons that prevent us from providing a service and no response is received within 48 working hours, the downtime will be calculated from the time the connection is down. This downtime will be applicable for the length of time the connection was unavailable.
Krishiinet Infocom, No.4, Agaram Main Road, Ranganathan Nagar, Selaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India